Wahey! Our first fanmail/contribution

Below is a short mail someone I know send us and my reply to it:


You remember me (Slaakhuys, eetcafe, 2 weeks ago)? I'm still thinking about a contribution for your homepage. I was just very busy. I'll send you something soon, you can see it and we can talk about it, if it fits, whatever. I made some drawings about Slaakhuys, maybe this would be something. and: I like your homepage. the texts are quite personal, but things that move everybody at the same time. I like this mixture. (maybe because my drawings work in a similar way).  see you, greetings Anna.

Hey There Anna,

Of course I remember you, and I am glad you mailed, I wasn't totally sure if you would. I am very glad that you want to contribute something, it would make the page a lot more interesting and from what I saw in your book, there are quite a lot of things that would fit. It would be nice to check out different things and have a chat about them, looking forward to that.

Richard is also looking into putting up one or two pieces by two other illustrators/artists, I've seen them and I really like them a lot. They are funny and very different from Richard's stuff. What did you think of Richard's paintings anyway?

I also took out and advertisement so that the site will generate a bit more traffic.

As your mail/offer to contribute is in some ways one of the first, I think I might post your mail up on the web page (perhaps it will inspire others). If you'd rather I don't just mail me and I'll take it down.

Take Care,

